Reporting in Progress


New Member
Hi All,

OK, at the risk of being torn to pieces by all the progress veterans out there I have a bit of a bone to pick...

I am in the process of writing a report requiring many different levels of sub-totals and totals and am horrified at the lengths I have to go to to achieve this seemingly simple task. I never thought I'd say it but I wish I was developing this report in Access. I can't believe how bad accum and accumulate are to work with. When you have to go back to creating the running-totals yourself, and you have 5 different sub-totals/totals, 12 fields and 2 types of field (+ a total) - all of a sudden you've got 180 lines of code that have to be created by hand that just seem to be a waste to me. In access I could drag and drop the whole thing in a couple of minutes and would barely have to write code. If Progress want developers to take them seriously then why don't they give us some serious tools to work with? I have no problems with writing code, but when the code is boring and mundane I am wasting my time which could be better spent elsewhere.

If Progress has 4GL, why then should we need to rely on 3rd party tools like Crystal reports etc just to produce a decent report? What about CHUI based reports where there are no 3rd party tools to help you out (well none that I know of anyway).

I don't know about the rest of you people out there but I find that a large portion of my time is spent developing reports. So why isn't this made a lot simpler? I must confess, I am not that experienced a Progress programmer, but the more time I spend in Progress discovering its limitations, the more I know I don't want to become a specialist in Progress.

Other simple things like not being able to develop using dynamic queries before version 9... why? Don't they realise how much more powerful, and how much simpler life is with dynamic queries?

I'm currently using version 8.3, I don't know how much has improved by version 9 but I haven't read about any major revelations.

I think Progress need to start making things easier on the developers. Microsoft have the right idea - you make things easy for the developers and there will be a lot more software out there developed using your tools. To me, many aspects of Progress make me feel like I've been trapped in the early 90's when programming anything was a major ordeal.

Anyway, that was just my two cents worth.... if anyone could show me the light then that would be just great.


rob bradford

New Member
Yes, we use both the GUI and the CHUI versions here, as long as you take time to implement the internal knowlage base for WALKABOUT. it's OK. Be sure to use it's internal batch scheduler if you have a lot of users or you could swamp your system.

Apart from that the users like it.

Ketil Parow

New Member
PROPS report system.

We have written a new Progress report / query generator, that does all
the thing it should, plus some. The first installations have been made,
and the customers are *very* pleased.

This is a new concept in reporting, in that the data access / user
interaction and presentation are run in separate layers. This offers the
opportunity to define a report, then run and present it in a variety of
different ways. Graphical output is plug-in based, and plug-ins can be
made for virtually any presentation tool that runs on the Windows

Please visit:
for more information.


Personally I find accumulate extremely powerful and easy to use, but if you want to do the drag and drop thing, then use report builder.