Report Modification/Questions/Need Help


New Member
I'm very new at Progress Programming, and I'm looking for a little direction. I've been a systems administrator for the past few years, but am just now getting into programming/modifying MFG/Pro reports, inquiries, with Progress. This is a two part question. 1. I've been asked to modify the Voucher Inquiry (28.2 - apvoiq.p), to display receivers from the Purchase Receipt Report (5.13.5 - poporp06.p), and add AP Remarks. Can anyone help with this? 2. Where can I go to get help. I know the basics, I'm familiar with the Data Dictionary, and File Relationship, but I need to learn the who, what, when, where and how to start with modifying a report. Any suggestions? I've taken a progress programming class a while ago, but the class didn't get into modifying reports/inquiries!!!