[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Should I Just Use -nosavepoint...

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Hi! OE 10.2B08 HP UX B.11.31 U ia64 We have occurrences of error 1422, they are frequent enough to bother some people. Can I just use -nosavepoint.. is this an acceptable solution ? I can reproduce the 1422 error at will. I have a backup of the source that causes the issue as well as the DB. Problem is that I simply don't have time skim the code down to a point where I can turn it into usable evidence by PSC Support. I have proven that -nosavepoint prevents the 1422 from occuring. I will try to get 11.5.1 on the server (we are being hosted this will take time) and see if I can reproduce with that version. Should I just use -nosavepoint ? Etienne

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