No Data Error On Odbc Connection


New Member

I am facing an issue with the Progress ODBC connection, when connecting remotely.
However I am able to connect locally on the same server.

The error message received is

[DataDirect][ODBC PROGRESS driver][PROGRESS]No Data

Source : OE11.3 64 bit
OS : Windows
ODBC Driver : Openedge 11.3

Target :
OS : Windows
ODBC Driver : Datadirect 4.1o 32 bit

DB Startup parameter is as below

_mprosrv custom -L 122880 -c 350 -B 2000 -spin 8000 -n 301 -Mn 8 -Ma 25 -S custom -H TESTSERVER -N TCP

services file, i have mentioned the port for Custom DB.

I am able to telnet the port from the target server and netstat showing the connection is established.

Could anybody please help me, what can be the reason.



Well-Known Member
What type of license do you have installed?

AFAIK, development license allows only to start servers which support local clients.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.