Need help on excel


New Member
I have an excel spreadsheet with a single column, consisting of "Lastname, Firstname (group)" format. (ie: Guy, Tech (Support) )

How can I change the format in these text fields to first, remove the "(Support)" part, and then reverse the firstname/lastname, so all I have in the column (or another column) with "FIRSTNAME LASTNAME" (all caps would be good, but not required....)


New Member
a vb script will do it easily.

If you want to email me the file i will do it for you, or send a small sample.



New Member
This may look complicated but will do as you requested (where "A1" is the cell containing "Smith, John (Support)" )

=CONCATENATE(UPPER(TRIM(MID(MID(A1,1,FIND("(",A1)-1),FIND(",",A1)+1,LEN(MID(A1,1,FIND("(",A1)-1)))))," ",UPPER(MID(A1,1,FIND(",",A1)-1)))

put this into the cell/column to the right of your text and replace A1 with your cell reference, then to remove the formula, select the column, edit-copy, edit-paste special-values.

Hope this helps
