Memory Usage After Upgrade to 10.2B


Hello-We just upgraded from OpenEdge 10.0B to 10.2B. Our database and appservers run on an AIX machine. We are finding that our memory usage has beyond doubled....we are swapping right now and will be running out of paging space within hours. Help!

I compared our ubroker and conmgr properties files and all of the settings that we had in 10.0B were added to the new properties files in 10.2B, so we didn't miss anything that way.

I've read some articles online regarding adjusting the jvmArgs, but aren't sure.





How are you measuring "memory usage"?

Please show the start-up portion of your database.lg file. It is far more reliable than a look at the properties files. (It is usually about 50 lines or so of information.)

You mention ubroker -- presumably that means that there are app servers of some sort in this mix? What else is going on? Remote clients? SQL connections? Character clients? Sonic?


Thanks for responding, Tom.

We are running Sx.enterprise (formally known as "trend"). There are at least four app servers. Yes, there are SQL connections....we have several applications that do that. Both character and GUI clients. No Sonic.

We're measuring memory usage a couple of ways: We're seeing swapping/usage of paging space.

lsps -a shows:
Page Space Physical Volume Volume Group Size %Used Active Auto Type
paging05 hdisk0 rootvg 2048MB 37 yes yes lv
paging04 hdisk0 rootvg 2048MB 37 yes yes lv
paging03 hdisk0 rootvg 2048MB 37 yes yes lv
paging02 hdisk0 rootvg 2048MB 37 yes yes lv
paging01 hdisk0 rootvg 2048MB 37 yes yes lv
paging06 hdisk0 rootvg 2048MB 37 yes yes lv
paging00 hdisk0 rootvg 2048MB 37 yes yes lv
hd6 hdisk0 rootvg 2048MB 37 yes yes lv

There is also a script on our system called that shows:
Memory Information

total memory = 31981MB
free memory = 2455MB
used memory = 29526MB

(Old version of OpenEdge showed less than half the usage)

topas utility shows:
Real,MB 31232
% Comp 94
% Noncomp 5
% Client 5

Here's the output from the .lg file. Note that after-imaging is turned off. Normally I would NEVER do that. We had an issue last night with after imaging and have it turned off. The issue has been resolved and it will be turned on again tonight. (Sorry about the wrapping text).

Mon May 23 17:56:13 2011
[2011/05/23@17:56:13.615-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (333) Multi-u
ser session begin.
[2011/05/23@17:56:13.618-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (15321) Before
Image Log Initialization at block 0 offset 0.
[2011/05/23@17:56:13.843-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (452) Login b
y root on batch.
[2011/05/23@17:56:13.863-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (5644) Started
for nxt using TCP IPV4 address, pid 189638.
[2011/05/23@17:56:13.869-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (8836) Connect
ing to Admin Server on port 7181.
[2011/05/23@17:56:13.876-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (14262) Success
fully connected to AdminServer on port 7181 using TCP/IP IPV4 address

[2011/05/23@17:56:13.903-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (8846) Registe
red with Admin Server.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.908-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4234) Progres
s OpenEdge Release 10.2B build 1334 SP02 on AIX enterprise 3 5.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.909-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4281) Server
started by root on batch.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (6574) Started
using pid: -6970.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4235) Physica
l Database Name (-db): /data/nxt.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4236) Databas
e Type (-dt): PROGRESS.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4237) Force A
ccess (-F): Not Enabled.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4238) Direct
I/O (-directio): Enabled.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (-----) LRU mec
hanism enabled.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4239) Number
of Database Buffers (-B): 62500.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (-----) Number
of Alternate Database Buffers (-B2): 0.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (9422) Maximum
private buffers per user (-Bpmax): 64.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4240) Excess
Shared Memory Size (-Mxs): 1099.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.921-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (10014) The sha
red memory segment is not locked in memory.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.921-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4241) Current
Size of Lock Table (-L): 100000.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.926-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (13953) Maximum
Area Number (-maxArea): 32000.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.926-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4242) Hash Ta
ble Entries (-hash): 18289.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.926-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4243) Current
Spin Lock Tries (-spin): 28000.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (6526) Number
of Semaphore Sets (-semsets): 3.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (13924) Maximum
Shared Memory Segment Size (-shmsegsize) 1024 Mb.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4244) Crash R
ecovery (-i): Enabled.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (6573) Databas
e Blocksize (-blocksize): 8192.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4245) Delay o
f Before-Image Flush (-Mf): 3.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4247) Before-
Image File I/O (-r -R): Reliable.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4249) Before-
Image Truncate Interval (-G): 0.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4250) Before-
Image Cluster Size: 1048576.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4251) Before-
Image Block Size: 16384.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4252) Number
of Before-Image Buffers (-bibufs): 30.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (-----) Record
free chain search depth factor 5 (-recspacesearchdepth)
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.936-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (9238) BI File
Threshold size (-bithold): 0.0 Bytes.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (6552) BI File
Threshold Stall (-bistall): Disabled.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4254) After-I
mage Stall (-aistall): Enabled.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4255) After-I
mage Block Size: 8192.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4256) Number
of After-Image Buffers (-aibufs): 45.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (8527) Storage
object cache size (-omsize): 1024
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4257) Maximum
Number of Clients Per Server (-Ma): 15.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4258) Maximum
Number of Servers (-Mn): 172.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4259) Minimum
Clients Per Server (-Mi): 1.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4260) Maximum
Number of Users (-n): 2601.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4261) Host Na
me (-H): enterprise.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4262) Service
Name (-S): nxt.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (14268) TCP/IP
Version (-ipver) : IPV4
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.940-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4263) Network
Type (-N): TCP.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.940-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4264) Charact
er Set (-cpinternal): ISO8859-1.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.940-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (4282) Paramet
er File: Not Enabled.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.940-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (5647) Maximum
Servers Per Broker (-Mpb): 140.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.940-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (5648) Minimum
Port for Auto Servers (-minport): 28000.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.940-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (5649) Maximum
Port for Auto Servers (-maxport): 28975.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.941-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (10357) Pending
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.941-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (10357) Pending
client connection timeout (-PendConnTimeout): 60.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.941-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (8863) This br
oker supports 4GL server groups only.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.941-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (9426) Large d
atabase file access has been enabled.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.943-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (9336) Created
shared memory with segment_id: 2097170
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.950-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (12813) Allowed
index cursors (-c): 10404.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.950-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (12814) Group d
elay (-groupdelay): 10.
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.950-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (12815) Lock ta
ble hash table size (-lkhash): 13063
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.950-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (12816) Maxport
(-maxport): 28975
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.950-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (12817) Minport
(-minport): 28000
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.950-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (12818) Message
Buffer Size (-Mm): 1024
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.950-0500] P-189638 T-1 I BROKER 0: (12820) Maximum
Servers per Broker (-Mpb): 140



Thanks for responding, Tom.

We are running Sx.enterprise (formally known as "trend"). There are at least four app servers. Yes, there are SQL connections....we have several applications that do that. Both character and GUI clients. No Sonic.

I'm familiar with it. It is what I call "a target rich environment". Judging from your start-up parameters you've got plenty of targets. Are you looking at memory usage because you're suffering from poor performance? If so then, FWIW, IMHO your issue probably isn't so much how much memory you are using but rather how you are allocating it.

There is nothing in your db startup parameters to indicate an obvious big memory user. Presuming that all parameters stayed the same or have been defaulted the most obvious possibility when going from 10.0B to 10.2 is for table & index stats by user. Particularly with a large user count. But you're just using default table and index range sizes so that probably isn't an issue.

On the client side of things there are more possibilities. One of the biggest is java memory usage. You would do well to pursue that. Another is that if you were previously using a memory mapped procedure library but forgot to do so post conversion then you would also see a big jump in memory. There may have also been a change to -tmpbsize. You might want to try setting it explicitly to 1 in your client startups.

We're measuring memory usage a couple of ways: We're seeing swapping/usage of paging space.

lsps -a shows:
Page Space Physical Volume Volume Group Size %Used Active Auto Type
paging05 hdisk0 rootvg 2048MB 37 yes yes lv
paging04 hdisk0 rootvg 2048MB 37 yes yes lv
paging03 hdisk0 rootvg 2048MB 37 yes yes lv
paging02 hdisk0 rootvg 2048MB 37 yes yes lv
paging01 hdisk0 rootvg 2048MB 37 yes yes lv
paging06 hdisk0 rootvg 2048MB 37 yes yes lv
paging00 hdisk0 rootvg 2048MB 37 yes yes lv
hd6 hdisk0 rootvg 2048MB 37 yes yes lv

There is also a script on our system called that shows:
Memory Information

total memory = 31981MB
free memory = 2455MB
used memory = 29526MB

(Old version of OpenEdge showed less than half the usage)

topas utility shows:
Real,MB 31232
% Comp 94
% Noncomp 5
% Client 5

On AIX "svmon" is the most useful way to look at memory and get a detailed understanding of where it's going. You would need to have before and after data -- or an old system to test with.

Here's the output from the .lg file. Note that after-imaging is turned off. Normally I would NEVER do that. We had an issue last night with after imaging and have it turned off. The issue has been resolved and it will be turned on again tonight. (Sorry about the wrapping text).

You can avoid that on the forum by using "code" tags:

                Mon May 23 17:56:13 2011                                        
[2011/05/23@17:56:13.615-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (333)   Multi-user session begin.                                                              
[2011/05/23@17:56:13.618-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (15321) Before Image Log Initialization at block 0  offset 0.                                  
[2011/05/23@17:56:13.843-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (452)   Login by root on batch.                                                                
[2011/05/23@17:56:13.863-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (5644)  Started for nxt using TCP IPV4 address, pid 189638.                            
[2011/05/23@17:56:13.869-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (8836)  Connecting to Admin Server on port 7181.                                               
[2011/05/23@17:56:13.876-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (14262) Successfully connected to AdminServer on port 7181 using TCP/IP IPV4 address
[2011/05/23@17:56:13.903-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (8846)  Registered with Admin Server.                                                          
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.908-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4234)  Progress OpenEdge Release 10.2B build 1334 SP02 on AIX enterprise 3 5.                 
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.909-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4281)  Server started by root on batch.                                                       
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (6574)  Started using pid: -6970.                                                              
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4235)  Physical Database Name (-db): /data/nxt.                                               
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4236)  Database Type (-dt): PROGRESS.                                                         
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4237)  Force Access (-F): Not Enabled.                                                        
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4238)  Direct I/O (-directio): Enabled.                                                       
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (-----) LRU mechanism enabled.                                                                 
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4239)  Number of Database Buffers (-B): 62500.                                                
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (-----) Number of Alternate Database Buffers (-B2): 0.                                         
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (9422)  Maximum private buffers per user (-Bpmax): 64.                                         
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.914-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4240)  Excess Shared Memory Size (-Mxs): 1099.                                                
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.921-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (10014) The shared memory segment is not locked in memory.                                     
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.921-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4241)  Current Size of Lock Table (-L): 100000.                                               
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.926-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (13953) Maximum  Area Number (-maxArea): 32000.                                                 
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.926-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4242)  Hash Table Entries (-hash): 18289.                                                     
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.926-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4243)  Current Spin Lock Tries (-spin): 28000.                                                
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (6526)  Number of Semaphore Sets (-semsets): 3.                                                
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (13924) Maximum Shared Memory Segment Size (-shmsegsize) 1024 Mb.                              
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4244)  Crash Recovery (-i): Enabled.                                                          
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (6573)  Database Blocksize (-blocksize): 8192.                                                 
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4245)  Delay of Before-Image Flush (-Mf): 3.                                                  
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4247)  Before-Image File I/O (-r -R): Reliable.                                               
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4249)  Before-Image Truncate Interval (-G): 0.                                                
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4250)  Before-Image Cluster Size: 1048576.                                                    
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4251)  Before-Image Block Size: 16384.                                                        
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4252)  Number of Before-Image Buffers (-bibufs): 30.                                          
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.930-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (-----) Record free chain search depth factor 5 (-recspacesearchdepth)                         
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.936-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (9238)  BI File Threshold size (-bithold): 0.0   Bytes.                                        
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (6552)  BI File Threshold Stall (-bistall): Disabled.                                          
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4254)  After-Image Stall (-aistall): Enabled.                                                 
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4255)  After-Image Block Size: 8192.                                                          
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4256)  Number of After-Image Buffers (-aibufs): 45.                                           
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (8527)  Storage object cache size (-omsize): 1024                                              
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4257)  Maximum Number of Clients Per Server (-Ma): 15.                                        
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4258)  Maximum Number of Servers (-Mn): 172.                                                  
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4259)  Minimum Clients Per Server (-Mi): 1.                                                   
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4260)  Maximum Number of Users (-n): 2601.                                                    
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4261)  Host Name (-H): enterprise.                                                            
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4262)  Service Name (-S): nxt.                                                                
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.939-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (14268) TCP/IP Version (-ipver) : IPV4                                                         
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.940-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4263)  Network Type (-N): TCP.                                                                
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.940-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4264)  Character Set (-cpinternal): ISO8859-1.                                                
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.940-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (4282)  Parameter File: Not Enabled.                                                           
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.940-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (5647)  Maximum Servers Per Broker (-Mpb): 140.                                                
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.940-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (5648)  Minimum Port for Auto Servers (-minport): 28000.                                       
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.940-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (5649)  Maximum Port for Auto Servers (-maxport): 28975.                                       
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.941-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (10357) Pending
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.941-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (10357) Pending client connection timeout (-PendConnTimeout): 60.                              
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.941-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (8863)  This broker supports 4GL server groups only.                                           
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.941-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (9426)  Large database file access has been enabled.                                           
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.943-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (9336)  Created shared memory with segment_id: 2097170                                         
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.950-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (12813) Allowed index cursors (-c): 10404.                                                     
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.950-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (12814) Group delay (-groupdelay): 10.                                                         
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.950-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (12815) Lock table hash table size (-lkhash): 13063                                            
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.950-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (12816) Maxport (-maxport): 28975                                                              
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.950-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (12817) Minport (-minport): 28000                                                              
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.950-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (12818) Message Buffer Size (-Mm): 1024                                                        
[2011/05/23@17:56:14.950-0500] P-189638     T-1     I BROKER  0: (12820) Maximum Servers per Broker (-Mpb): 140


New Member
I have the same problem:

I have two servers one with progress 10.1B03 and one with 10.2B04
both servers have Solaris 10 64Bit SPARC

with progress 10.1B03 the broker memory size = 74MB

and with progress 10.2B04 the broker has 422 MB thats 5x increase!

This is my setup with progress 10.2B and it shows with prstat 422MB

$wtbman -name test -start 

$wtbman -name test -q

Broker Name                    : test
Operating Mode                 : Stateless
Broker Status                  :  ACTIVE
Broker Port                    : 7492
Broker PID                     : 1040
Active Agents                  : 5
Busy Agents                    : 0
Locked Agents                  : 0
Available Agents               : 5
Active Clients (now, peak)     : (0, 0)
Client Queue Depth (cur, max)  : (0, 0)
Total Requests                 : 0
Rq Wait (max, avg)             : (0 ms, 0 ms)
Rq Duration (max, avg)         : (0 ms, 0 ms)

$prstat -p 1040
  [B]1040 root      421M  233M sleep   59    0   0:00:40 0.0% java/96[/B]

[B]ubroker config:[/B]
please help!

we have more than 50 brokers so 5x memory increase is not an option


"ps" and "prstat" don't tell you anything useful about memory usage.

The size shown is the working set size -- it includes many items that will be counted multiple times (shared data and text segments).

There are many reasons why you might see different results in one version vs another. Or in the same version at different points in time.


New Member
I have the same setup with the two servers, and there is a noticiable memory increase from 10.1B to 10.2B

I changed the jvmArgs=-XX:+UseSerialGC parameter in the ubroker properties

and now i can start all my appservers and ws
before that change, my system crashed while starting all the apps

but I dont know what performance impact may it have.


We have also been experimenting with the garbage collector parameter setting (I'm the one that started this thread). We did find two things that were playing a big part in the increase in memory usage:

1) Even though our system could run 64 bit Progress for several years now, the old version of SX.enterprise that we were running was installed with 32 bit Progress. When we upgraded, the new version is running 64 bit Progress. It makes sense that we would see an increase in memory usage due to this. What I don't get is why Infor couldn't tell us this...why they told us to expect a 30% increase in memory usage when they knew we were going from 32 to 64 bit. But the support I receive from Infor is another story.

2) Infor had us install the wrong version of java. We are running Progress 10.2B on AIX and they had us install version 1.6.0. We should have been using 1.5.0 according to Progress support. When I installed the correct version of java and updated the properties files to look at that version, our memory usage went down by about 50% and several problems that we were having with our appservers ceased.

We also did one other thing that helped a small amount. We were on 10.2B02. One of the support reps at Infor mentioned that there was a bug in the online backups that caused some of the resources that were used by the online backup not to be released when the backup completed....the only way for the resources to be released was to bring down the database. After installing service pack 4 (we are now on 10.2B04), that also seems to have improved.

We're still using more memory than we were before the upgrade and more than Infor told us to expect, but much less than after we initially upgraded.


New Member
Im using the parameter: jvmargs=-Xmx1024m as the recomendation of the ProgressKB P153007 and there is a memory decrease

  6230 root      236M  155M sleep   59    0   0:00:42 0.2% java/95

#pmap -x 6230
6230: /usr/dlc/jre/bin/sparcv9/java -Xmx1024m -classpath /opt/dlc102b/jr
Address Kbytes RSS Anon Locked Mode Mapped File
0000000100000000 72 72 - - r-x-- java
0000000100110000 16 16 8 - rwx-- java
0000000100114000 48 48 48 - rwx-- [ heap ]
0000000100120000 2944 2944 2560 - rwx-- [ heap ]
0000000100400000 61440 61440 57344 - rwx-- [ heap ]
FFFFFFFF20000000 24576 12288 12288 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF25400000 4096 4096 4096 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF25800000 8192 4096 4096 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF50000000 4096 4096 4096 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF50400000 4096 4096 4096 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF50800000 4096 4096 4096 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF50C00000 4096 4096 4096 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF51000000 4096 4096 4096 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF51400000 4096 4096 4096 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF51800000 4096 4096 4096 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF51C00000 4096 4096 4096 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF52000000 4096 4096 - - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF52400000 8192 8192 8192 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF52C00000 8192 8192 8192 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF65FF6000 40 40 40 - rw--R [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF661F6000 40 40 40 - rw--R [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF663F6000 40 40 40 - rw--R [ stack tid=174 ]
FFFFFFFF665F6000 40 40 40 - rw--R [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF667F6000 40 40 40 - rw--R [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF669F4000 48 48 48 - rw--R [ stack tid=96 ]
FFFFFFFF66BF8000 32 32 32 - rw--R [ stack tid=95 ]
FFFFFFFF66DF8000 32 32 32 - rw--R [ stack tid=94 ]
FFFFFFFF66FF8000 32 32 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=93 ]
FFFFFFFF671F8000 32 32 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=92 ]
FFFFFFFF673F8000 32 32 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=91 ]
FFFFFFFF675F8000 32 32 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=90 ]
FFFFFFFF677F6000 40 40 40 - rw--R [ stack tid=89 ]
FFFFFFFF679F6000 40 40 40 - rw--R [ stack tid=88 ]
FFFFFFFF67BF6000 40 40 40 - rw--R [ stack tid=87 ]
FFFFFFFF67DF6000 40 40 32 - rw--R [ stack tid=86 ]
FFFFFFFF67FF2000 56 56 32 - rw--R [ stack tid=85 ]
FFFFFFFF681F0000 64 64 56 - rw--R [ stack tid=84 ]
FFFFFFFF683F4000 48 48 48 - rw--R [ stack tid=83 ]
FFFFFFFF685F6000 40 40 40 - rw--R [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF687F8000 32 32 32 - rw--R [ stack tid=81 ]
FFFFFFFF68900000 8 8 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF68A00000 8 8 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF68BF0000 64 64 64 - rw--R [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF68D00000 48 48 - - r-x-- procfg.dll
FFFFFFFF68E0A000 8 8 - - rwx-- procfg.dll
FFFFFFFF68F00000 72 72 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF69010000 16 16 8 - rwx--
FFFFFFFF69100000 128 128 - - r-x-- jni_util.dll
FFFFFFFF6921E000 16 16 - - rwx-- jni_util.dll
FFFFFFFF69400000 624 184 - - r--s- dev:256,65538 ino:243305
FFFFFFFF69500000 16 16 - - r-x-- environ.dll
FFFFFFFF69602000 8 8 - - rwx-- environ.dll
FFFFFFFF697F8000 32 32 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=79 ]
FFFFFFFF699F8000 32 32 32 - rw--R [ stack tid=78 ]
FFFFFFFF69BF8000 32 32 32 - rw--R [ stack tid=77 ]
FFFFFFFF69DF8000 32 32 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=76 ]
FFFFFFFF69FF6000 40 40 40 - rw--R [ stack tid=75 ]
FFFFFFFF6A100000 80 80 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF6A212000 16 16 16 - rwx--
FFFFFFFF6A300000 312 248 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF6A400000 256 256 256 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF6A44E000 16 16 16 - rwx--
FFFFFFFF6A500000 112 112 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF6A600000 64 64 64 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF6A61C000 8 8 8 - rwx--
FFFFFFFF6A700000 32 32 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF6A808000 16 16 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF6A900000 2432 768 - - r--s- dev:256,65538 ino:238796
FFFFFFFF6AC00000 5240 2528 - - r--s- dev:256,65538 ino:238797
FFFFFFFF6B200000 104 104 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF6B300000 80 80 - - r--s- dev:256,65538 ino:238799
FFFFFFFF6B31A000 40 40 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF6B400000 6880 256 - - r--s- dev:256,65538 ino:256499
FFFFFFFF6BB00000 64 64 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF6BC0E000 8 8 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF6BD00000 160 16 - - r--s- dev:256,65538 ino:238850
FFFFFFFF6BEFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=74 ]
FFFFFFFF6C0FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=73 ]
FFFFFFFF6C2FA000 24 24 16 - rw--R [ stack tid=72 ]
FFFFFFFF6C4FA000 24 24 16 - rw--R [ stack tid=71 ]
FFFFFFFF6C6FC000 16 16 16 - rw--R [ stack tid=70 ]
FFFFFFFF6C8FE000 8 8 - - rw--R [ stack tid=69 ]
FFFFFFFF6CA00000 24 24 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF6CB04000 16 16 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF6CCF8000 32 32 32 - rw--R [ stack tid=68 ]
FFFFFFFF6CEF8000 32 32 32 - rw--R [ stack tid=67 ]
FFFFFFFF6D0FC000 16 16 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=66 ]
FFFFFFFF6D2FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=65 ]
FFFFFFFF6D4FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=64 ]
FFFFFFFF6D6FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=63 ]
FFFFFFFF6D8FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=62 ]
FFFFFFFF6DAFC000 16 16 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=61 ]
FFFFFFFF6DCFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=60 ]
FFFFFFFF6DEFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=59 ]
FFFFFFFF6E0FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=58 ]
FFFFFFFF6E2FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=57 ]
FFFFFFFF6E4FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=56 ]
FFFFFFFF6E6FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=55 ]
FFFFFFFF6E8FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=54 ]
FFFFFFFF6EAFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=53 ]
FFFFFFFF6ECFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=52 ]
FFFFFFFF6EEFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=51 ]
FFFFFFFF6F0FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=50 ]
FFFFFFFF6F2FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=49 ]
FFFFFFFF6F4FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=48 ]
FFFFFFFF6F6FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=47 ]
FFFFFFFF6F8FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=46 ]
FFFFFFFF6FAFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=45 ]
FFFFFFFF6FCFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=44 ]
FFFFFFFF6FEFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=43 ]
FFFFFFFF700FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=42 ]
FFFFFFFF702FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=41 ]
FFFFFFFF704FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=40 ]
FFFFFFFF706FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=39 ]
FFFFFFFF708FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=38 ]
FFFFFFFF70AFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=37 ]
FFFFFFFF70CFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=36 ]
FFFFFFFF70EFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=35 ]
FFFFFFFF710FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=34 ]
FFFFFFFF712FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=33 ]
FFFFFFFF714FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=32 ]
FFFFFFFF716FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=31 ]
FFFFFFFF718FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=30 ]
FFFFFFFF71AFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=29 ]
FFFFFFFF71CFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=28 ]
FFFFFFFF71EFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=27 ]
FFFFFFFF720FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=26 ]
FFFFFFFF722FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=25 ]
FFFFFFFF724FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=24 ]
FFFFFFFF726FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=23 ]
FFFFFFFF728FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=22 ]
FFFFFFFF72AFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=21 ]
FFFFFFFF72CFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=20 ]
FFFFFFFF72EFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=19 ]
FFFFFFFF730FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=18 ]
FFFFFFFF732FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=17 ]
FFFFFFFF734FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=16 ]
FFFFFFFF736FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=15 ]
FFFFFFFF738FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=14 ]
FFFFFFFF73AFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=13 ]
FFFFFFFF73CFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=12 ]
FFFFFFFF73EFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=11 ]
FFFFFFFF74000000 4096 4096 4096 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF77100000 176 160 - - r--s- dev:256,65538 ino:238851
FFFFFFFF772FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=10 ]
FFFFFFFF774FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=9 ]
FFFFFFFF776FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=8 ]
FFFFFFFF778FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=7 ]
FFFFFFFF77AFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=6 ]
FFFFFFFF77CFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=5 ]
FFFFFFFF77EFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=4 ]
FFFFFFFF78000000 38976 9992 - - r--s- dev:256,65538 ino:238953
FFFFFFFF7A700000 792 16 - - r--s- dev:256,65538 ino:238849
FFFFFFFF7A8FE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=3 ]
FFFFFFFF7AAFE000 8 8 8 - rw--R [ stack tid=2 ]
FFFFFFFF7AC00000 64 64 64 - rw--- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7AD00000 64 64 - - rw--- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7AE00000 48 48 48 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7AF00000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7AF02000 16 16 16 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7B100000 48 48 48 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7B12A000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7B12C000 16 16 16 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7B280000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7B282000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7B284000 8 8 - - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7B286000 8 8 - - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7B288000 8 8 - - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7B28A000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7B28C000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7B28E000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7B290000 8 8 - - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7B292000 16 16 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7B296000 16 16 16 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7B32C000 8 8 - - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7B400000 8640 64 - - r--s- dev:256,65538 ino:238837
FFFFFFFF7BD00000 32 32 16 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7BE00000 88 16 - - r--s- dev:256,65538 ino:238900
FFFFFFFF7BF00000 536 104 - - r--s- dev:256,65538 ino:238901
FFFFFFFF7C000000 72 72 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7C100000 64 64 64 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7C112000 8 8 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7C114000 8 8 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7C200000 160 160 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7C300000 128 128 128 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7C328000 16 16 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7C400000 72 72 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7C500000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7C512000 8 8 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7C600000 40 40 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7C700000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7C70A000 8 8 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7C70C000 16 - - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7C800000 16 16 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7C900000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7C904000 8 8 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7CA00000 8 8 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7CB02000 8 8 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7CC00000 56 56 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7CD00000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7CD0E000 8 8 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7CE00000 32 32 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7CF00000 8 8 - - r--s- dev:256,65538 ino:238848
FFFFFFFF7CF08000 8 8 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7D000000 32 32 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7D100000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7D108000 8 8 8 - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7D200000 16 16 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7D300000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7D304000 8 8 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7D400000 112 104 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7D500000 8 8 - - r--s- dev:360,3 ino:96454559
FFFFFFFF7D51C000 16 16 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7D600000 584 392 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7D700000 32 32 - - rw-s- dev:360,2 ino:92430652
FFFFFFFF7D790000 32 32 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7D800000 688 624 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7D900000 64 64 64 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7D9AC000 64 64 8 - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7D9BC000 32 32 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7DA00000 24 24 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7DAF2000 8 8 - - rwxs- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7DB00000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7DB04000 8 8 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7DC00000 64 64 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7DD00000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7DD0E000 8 8 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7DD10000 24 8 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7DE00000 56 56 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7DF00000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7DF0E000 16 16 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7E000000 9352 9288 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7EA00000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7EA22000 752 752 272 - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7EADE000 8 8 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7EAE0000 64 64 64 - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7EAF0000 24 24 8 - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7EB00000 8 8 - - r---- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7EC00000 8 8 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7ED00000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7EE00000 8 8 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7EF00000 1272 1208 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7F100000 24 24 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7F13E000 72 72 64 - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7F150000 8 8 8 - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7F200000 8 8 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7F302000 8 8 - - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7F400000 64 64 64 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7F500000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7F600000 216 216 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7F700000 24 24 - - r-x--
FFFFFFFF7F736000 16 16 16 - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7F73A000 8 8 8 - rwx--
FFFFFFFF7FF00000 24 - - - ----- [ anon ]
FFFFFFFF7FFE0000 128 128 64 - rw--- [ stack ]
---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
total Kb 241872 174536 136824 -

So far my system is working well. Im going to do a few more tests, and i will post my results :D