Launching Internet Explorer

Dawn M

OpenEdge 10.2B
Windows XP
Internet Explorer 8.0

I'm using the "standard" code to launch Internet Explorer...

create "InternetExplorer.Application" objExplorer.
objExplorer:visible = yes.
release object objExplorer.

...but I'm getting the following message:

"Error occurred while creating/connecting to automation server for: InternetExplorer.Application
Server execution failed (5894)".

I've tried multiple variations of the code (os-command, shellExecuteA, InternetExplorer.Application.1) but to no avail. I've tried looking for the problem on Progress' Kbase and nothing there.

Anybody have a solution to this problem?


the 'standard' code looks just fine and works as expected on my workstation... the issue should be related to COM/COM+ service on your computer, try to look up COM related issues on MS$ web site, something like that might help you find a solution