ICSP Progress Help

John Gellert

New Member
This is my very first attempt at creating a progress report. I have utilized an existing progress job that imports ICSW information and am looking to simply change a few statements and apply it to ICSP. It doesn't seem like rocket science, however, I am learning that this is tougher than it looks.

I continue to get this error
Colon followed by white space terminates a statement. (199)

And cannot figure how to fix it. Here is my very simple progress script, can anyone tell me what I am missing?

disable triggers for load of icsp.
def var v-date as date init TODAY.
def var v-time as char init "".
assign v-time = substring(string(time,"hh:mm"),1,2) +
def shared var g-cono like icsp.cono no-undo.
def var v-prod like icsp.prod init ? no-undo.
def var v-descrip like icsp.descrip init ? no-undo.

input from /rd/tmp/icSp.csv.
import delimiter ","
for each icsp where
icsp.cono = g-cono and
icsp.prod = v-prod exclusive-lock:
icsp.descrip = if v-descrip <> "" then
v-descrip else icsp.descrip

icsp.transdt = v-date
icsp.transtm = v-time
icsp.operinit = "q&d".


This is my very first attempt at creating a progress report. I have utilized an existing progress job that imports ICSW information and am looking to simply change a few statements and apply it to ICSP. It doesn't seem like rocket science, however, I am learning that this is tougher than it looks.

I continue to get this error
Colon followed by white space terminates a statement. (199)

And cannot figure how to fix it. Here is my very simple progress script, can anyone tell me what I am missing?

1) CODE tags ;) They make your sample code readable...

disable triggers for load of icsp.
def var v-date as date init TODAY.                          
def var v-time as char init "".                             

assign v-time = substring(string(time,"hh:mm"),1,2) +               

def shared var g-cono    like icsp.cono         no-undo.
def        var v-prod    like icsp.prod         init ? no-undo.
def        var v-descrip like icsp.descrip      init ? no-undo.

input from /rd/tmp/icSp.csv.


  import delimiter ","

[B][COLOR="Red"]/* you are missing a period at the end of the statement above. */[/COLOR][/B]

  for each icsp where icsp.cono = g-cono and icsp.prod = v-prod exclusive-lock:

      icsp.descrip = if v-descrip <> "" then v-descrip else icsp.descrip
      icsp.transdt    = v-date
      icsp.transtm    = v-time
      icsp.operinit   = "q&d".

