Question How To Create .pf?

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
The whole idea behind a pf file is that it's completely configurable to your needs. So you need to think about what you want in it.
That said, if you can run the Data Administration screen then there is a utility under Utilities called Editor for Parameter File that you can to create one.


Well-Known Member
You create it from your Ant build script of course...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project default="" name="param">

    <target name="">

        <property environment="env" />

        <echo file="${test}/">-T ${env.TEMP}

-D 500
-mmax 32768
-Bt 200
-TB 28
-TM 28

-inp 32000
-s 512

-numsep 44
-numdec 46
-d mdy

-tablerangesize 1000
-checkwidth 2

#-clientlog client.log
#-logentrytypes 4gltrace:3

