Help dump/load db Error 598


New Member
I using progress V9. I have created a script to dump/load db. it was working fine few month ago until today.

I have able to use dump/load script. but when i try to dump again using command after i load db "/usr/dlc/bin/pro exc2 -1 -rx -p dict.p" I got db error "598". I have seach for this error. it to do with "<file-name> is a copy of <file-name>. Database cannot be opened.(598) PROGRESS tried to open a multi-volume database, identified by the first pathname. This structure file, however, is a copy of the structure file identified by the second pathname". I recreate structure file this time I try it with manually load it works fine. then I retried using my script got it same error.

I compare exc2.db file using script and manually one the byt size are the same. But more the both file side by side its different. The exc2.db using script one seem missing the head and more infomation. I not sure why this happen. Can some please explain to me why it happen.


Casper Moderator
Staff member
Hi there, are you just doing a dump and load or do you dump, create a new db and load the dumped data?

The .db file not only has the map to all the extents of the database,
it also has a reference to it's own location. So if you have absolute pathnames in your .st file and start the database with a relative pathname then you get this error.
The same applies the other way around.

To get around this modify your startup script so that it reflects the paths in the st file. Or modify the st files so you have relative paths in it and do a prostrct repair.

