Greetings & First Question on Locking


New Member
Hi there. We are having this particular problem with a process wich is running againt our Progress Database. User complains about the process being locked. All i can see is the following:

Record Locking Table:
Usr Name Chain # Rec-id Lock Flags
7 jsop2mfg REC 2994 74379 SHR L
8 jsop2mfg REC 2994 74379 SHR L

Transaction Control:
Usr Name Trans Login Time R-comm? Limbo? Crd? Coord Crd-task
7 jsop2mfg 945239111 05/22/06 05:15 no no no 0
8 jsop2mfg 945239112 05/22/06 05:16 no no no 0

AFIK, L flag would mean that it's a Limbo lock. But none of them is listed as a Limbo Transaction. Also, how come both transactions have a lock on the same record. How would I know which is waiting and which has actually acquired the log. And what about login time, could it be that they are "duplicated" because the remote connection is done via ODBC?

Any tips. What else shouls I look for to see through this?
many thanks.



No problem visible here

No problem visible here. "SHR" is a shared "L" (lock). i.e. nobody else can change this record while either of these two sessions are accessing the record. There is no queue "Q" (or even the infamous upgrade to exclusive lock "U") on this locks display.