File not found ( JUNMsg023)


New Member
Hello all,

New boy to Progress and I've hit a slight problem ( I know it's always the way ) but not much information available anywhere.

Undertook the intallation of Progress 9.1 D on a WInXP SP1 machine as a Local Administrator, no problems encountered.

Using the Progress Explorer Tool created a Database and configured this with no password. Logging into the DB (localhost)from the Progress Explorer Tool is OK. However expanding this down to Configuration and Default Configuration the right hand pane indicates this is not running.

Right clicking on the Database ERwin_2 and selecting start gives me an error : Startup of database localhost :20931:ERwin_2failed - filed not found (JUNMsg023)

When I configure the ODBC creating either a User\System DSN with the Merant 3.60 32bit Progress SQL92 v9.1D and attempt to log on to the DB then I get an Porgress ODBC driver, Invalid Attribute in connection string. Error in Network Daemon.

I've had various colleagues check my configuration and there appears to be nothing wrong with this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.