Question Error 1403 - you have not supplied a parameter -O

larry white

New Member
I am using OE 10.2B07. Recently, I installed the "MSS SQL dataserver..." license. Now, when I try to login to my Progress applications, I receive the message "You have not supplied a parameter for argument -O (1403). I have checked all of the ".pf" and ".ini" files that I can find. None of them have a "-O" parameter. I checked the command lines for all of my icons and none of them have a "-O" parameter. What are some files that could contain the "-O" paramter?

Rob Fitzpatrick Sponsor
There is no -O parameter that I am aware of; I think this is a misleading error message. Sometimes the OpenEdge parameter parsing logic can misinterpret your input in ways that don't clearly show where the problem is.

Try this with a demo database:
proenv>proserve demo -FOO
OpenEdge Release 11.3.2 as of Mon Jan 27 16:31:30 EST 2014
17:08:44 SERVER  : You have not supplied a parameter for argument -O. (1403)

This happens, I believe, because -F is a valid parameter that doesn't take an argument so it tries to parse what comes next ("O") as another parameter. Check your parameter files, including, not for a "-O" but for a misspelled parameter. That is likely the cause of your problem.