Error 11762 on Web Service Call (cannot match signature for operation)

Paul O' Connor

New Member

I am doing some research in integrating SMS into a Progress Application. I have been playing around with a Web Service offering provided by Clickatell who are an SMS Gateway.

The WSDL for the Web Service is at:

I've run the WSDL through bprowsdldoc etc. and can instantiate the Web Service and call a couple of methods on it. However, when I go to run the method I require to send messages, I am getting the following error:

Failure initializing SOAP Call: Cannot match signature for operation 'quicksend' (11762)

I've installed the SOAP Viewer and can other SOAP Requests but no request seems to get generated for quicksend (or no SOAP Request is visible in the SOAP viewer).

I had a look at the Progress KB and it seems to indicate this could be due to Operation Name overloading within the WSDL. I'm not sure how I'd know this is the case.
KB is at

Any help would be greatly appreciated.