Efficient way of emulating LIMIT (FETCH), OFFSET in Progress OpenEdge 10.1B SQL using PHP

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Pandy Legend

I want to be able to use the equivalent of MySQL's LIMIT, OFFSET in Progress OpenEdge 10.1b.

Whilst the FETCH/OFFSET commands are available as of Progress OpenEdge 11, unfortunately version 10.1B does not have them, therefore it is difficult to produce paged recordsets (e.g. Records 1-10, 11-20, 21-30 etc.).

ROW_NUMBER is also not supported by 10.1b. Seems that it is pretty much the same functionality as was found in SQL Server 2000.

If searching always in the order of the primary key id (pkid), this could be achieved by using "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM table ORDER BY pkid ASC", then identifying the last pkid and finding the next set with "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM table WHERE pkid>last_pkid ORDER BY pkid ASC"; this, however only works when sorting by the pkid.

My solution to this was to write a PHP function where I could pass the limit and offset and then return only the results where the row number was between my those defined values. I use TOP to return no more than the sum of the limit and offset.

function limit_query($sql, $limit=NULL, $offset=0)
$out = array();
if ($limit!=NULL) {
$sql=str_replace_first("SELECT", "SELECT TOP ".($limit+$offset), $sql);
$query = $db->query($sql); //$db is my DB wrapper class
while ($row = $this->fetch($query)) {
if ($i>=$offset) { //only add to return array if greater than offset
$out[] = $row;
return $out;

This works well on small recordsets or on the first few pages of results, but if the total results are in the thousands, if you want to see results on page 20, 100 or 300, it is very slow and inefficient (Page one is querying only the first 10 results, page 2 the first 20 but page 100 will query the first 1000).

Whilst in most cases, the user will probably not venture past page 2 or 3, so the lack of efficiency isn't perhaps a major issue, I do wonder if there is a more efficient way of emulating this functionality.

Sadly, upgrading to a newer version of Progress, or a superior database such as MySQL is not an option, as the db is provided by third-party software.

Can anyone suggest alternative, more efficient methods?

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