Connect to remote progress database server


New Member
Dear all,
Currently i am trying to connect to database at remote server (with public IP) using jdbc (Using SQL Squirrel application) from my local computer. But it failed. The remote server is firewalled, but i already allow specific port (3777) for connecting to progress to be opened (i am using port 3777) my url is jdbc:jdbcprogress:T:XXXXXXXXXX:3777:psc. XXXX is IP addresss for the remote server. i got this following error :

PSC : General Error

Is port 3777 is the only port that i have to opened or there are couple of port that i have to opened so that i can connect to the remote server?

Any help would be appreciated

Thanks in advance

Casper Moderator
Staff member
What is your Progress version? I suspect 9.1 looking at the connection string. Is this true?
Is port 3777 the broker port? Is psc the name of the database?
You have to open then -minport -maxport range as well to get a connection.
But since you get a General Error I suspect there is something else wrong as well.
Did you set the environment correctly (PATH on windows)?
If you do a testconnect with ODBC do you get any error messages
If you have also 4GL connections then you must setup a secondary SQL broker.
Did you set up SQL security?
The driver name in 9.1 =
com.progress.sql.jdbc.JdbcProgressDriver is this correct?



New Member
Yeah, my progress version is 9.1
3777 is the broker port
PSC is the database name
the driver name com.progress.sql.jdbc.JdbcProgressDriver

I already tried using odbc database driver from 3rd party (Open Link)
and i get the following error
[OpenLink][ODBC][Progress Server]Error in Network Daemon

Casper Moderator
Staff member
Looks like a connection problem.
Is your database started with -N and -H?
What are the values of -mn, -ma,-mi and -Mpb database startup parameters?
Database name is correct?
Can you ping the server from your PC?
Remember to also open ports between range -minport and -maxport (default 1025-2000).



Here is a example:
Progress 9.1D

1. edit the startup script
$DLC/bin/proserve /usr/qad/mfgsvr/dbinterface/dbinterface -L 8000 -c 350 -B 1000 -H solaris9 -S qadinterface -N tcp

2. start the DB.

3. cd $DLC/bin/ and key in
sqlexp -url jdbc:jdbcprogress:T: -user pub -password pub

4. if everyting is ok, the below will display:
PROGRESS Version 9.1D09 as of Tue May 25 09:31:19 EDT 2004
Connecting user "pub" to URL "jdbc:jdbcprogress:T:
ce"... (8920)


New Member

u can try to connect by Putty,
give ur server hostname or server ipaddress.

u can directly connect to ur local server to remote server.
But, i tried it for Linux OS installation server only.


Casper Moderator
Staff member
This a very old thread you are reviving.
Please don't do this unless you have something very important to add....
