Combo Box Drop Down Trigger


New Member
Has anyone had any luck in capturing the Drop Down event of a native progress
Combo Box.
I've tried using Message Blaster ocx, but you have to set the hwndtarget to the
progress frame, but this seems to eat all further events, including choose of buttons etc.

Essentially I'm trying to populate a combo box just before it's dropped.


Andy Wilson


Has anyone had any luck in capturing the Drop Down event of a native progress
Combo Box.
I've tried using Message Blaster ocx, but you have to set the hwndtarget to the

The message Blaster ocx is NOT a native Combo Box widget


New Member
Sorry if i was not clear.

The native combo-box does not have a 'DropDown' event , so I was trying to capture it using the Message Blaster.

As it happens, I was over-complicating things, and the 'entry' event does what I need.

Thanks anyway