Calculated fields in SDO using function


New Member
I need a couple of calculated fields in an SDO which use a function. I've done this before, but it was some time ago and I've forgotten the methodology. Can anyone help? It's 4.00 am here I have no manual and I'm up against it!



New Member
For those who need this:

First you have to add the calculated field in the SDO (there is a button when you add the table fields). Example: DaysLeft

Second, in the DataLogic Procedure of the SDO you have to add a function called calculateDaysLeft where you do the calculations and return the expected result. This function will be automatically called by the DL Proc, before sending the data to the client.

Important note: the name of functions must be exactly calculate + the calculated field name.


ProgressTalk Moderator
Staff member
since you're talking about attaching data logic procedures i presume you're talking about dynamics, although from what i remember attaching dlp's can also be done with recent versions of adm, mostly, for compatibility with dynamics.

imo, the bigger problems with adm and dynamics or maybe big frameworks in general, i've seen are

1. they're set in their ways, sort of speak. they've got a certain way of doing things that makes them rigid or hard to do things they're weren't designed to.

2. and the flip side of having all those built in features is lots of complexity. don't get me wrong its great to have all those tons and tons of features, functionality and options to choose from but its so complicated and theres so much you'd need to know about the framework in general and every particular object if you needed to override or do something more complicated.