App problem, no errors in .lg file


OpenEdge version 10.0B on AIX.
I got a call saying some users could not log into the application. All I see is where the user id tried to login and then immediately logged out, no error messages at all. They do not get the message "Userid is now xxxx", it is exactly like this:

Login usernum 674, userid xxxxx, on <desktop name>. (742)
Logout usernum 674, userid xxxxx, on <desktop name>. (739)

Just some background, we don't have an experienced Progress DBA and we really have no tools to look at.

Could this be some type of problem with max users or licenses or something? But wouldn't there be a message for that?


Thanks, I did and I see absolutely nothing strange in the .lg file except that some users logged in and then out almost immediately.


if you system has serial terminals ... check the connectivity (of serial ports)
may be you have a terminal who fails
else check the network.

Rob Fitzpatrick Sponsor
Can you provide some information about the client side? What is the client OS?

From the 742/739 messages it looks like the clients run remotely, not on the DB server. You could run a Progress client (e.g. Data Dictionary) and try to connect manually and authenticate on the database, rather than running your client app. If it connects fine, then you may have an application problem as Tom indicated. If it fails it may throw you a meaningful error message.