Anyone know the syntax for the new rfutil "aimage extract" in 9.1D09?


Apparently version 9.1D09 has an enhancement to rfutil. You can now copy a fixed AI extent using "aimage extract" ... which will only copy "used" data ... not any other crud that might be in the file.

However ... I don't know the syntax for using it.

Does anyone know?



Progress have supplied the answer

Progress have given me the answer:

rfutil <db> -C aimge extract -a <ai_extent> -o <filename>

Where <ai_extent> is an existing AI extent file that is (status) "FULL".

rfutil will extract from the AI file only the active AI information and copy it to the new file.

The reason why this is important (for some people, anyway) is that using Variable AI extents imposes a significant perormance problem ... but if you use Fixed extents you waste lots of file space. It is an extra problem for us since we then send the AI file over a not-so-fast comms line.

This new feature solves the problem by copying a Fized extent only to the limit of the actual (used) data in the AI file.