Question After-imaging File Size


New Member
I have seen changing the priority of the Scheduled Task speed up a probkup considerably (3 0r 4 times faster in some cases), so certainly worth trying in this case.


I've managed to export and import the task and it does seem to be behaving better with a higher priority, although the subsequent rfutil command is called inside the .bat as;

%COMSPEC% /C _rfutil.exe %db% -C roll forward -B 5000 -a

and using ProcExp it's showing as the rfutil command running at a 'normal' priority.

I'll have to test an alternate way to call _rfutil so i can set the priority.

Thanks for you help guys.

Rob Fitzpatrick Sponsor
using ProcExp it's showing as the rfutil command running at a 'normal' priority.
Normal priority should be fine. That's what it would be if you ran it interactively. You don't want to be below normal, but manually adjusting a process' priority above normal isn't something I'd mess with. It could have unintended consequences, like taking cycles from DB threads.