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  1. S

    AppBuilder sys : "you are about to undo past previous save"

    Hello all ! I have a problem when editing a procedure in my program... AppBuider sops editing and say :"you are about to undo past previous save" yesNoCancel ... Clicking on Yes do nothing... Stoping/Starting Appbuilder do nothing... And I can edit my program by Procedure Editor ... I...
  2. S

    Excel text file opening.

    Hello !! ? I have many problems by opening a text file via COM to Excel. (I'm doing my first steps therein ... ) How may I write that in COM ? : ChDir "P:\test\analytique\cloture 200305\origine" Workbooks.OpenText Filename:= "P:\test\test.txt", Origin:=xlWindows _ , StartRow:=1...
  3. S

    How to have a input box

    How to have an input box I'm very ashamed to ask this question... I'm not keen on GUI programming in progress... I need the code to have a simple input box in Progress 9.1C Can someone give me a common way to have a "simple" input box : - returning a string - with parametrable text and...
  4. S

    problems to print boxes

    Hi All ! I have some problems to print boxes on my HP-8100... I wanted to put boxes on a document, but there's no chars between 127 and 159. only "_"'s... I use -lng "French" -cpcase French -cpcoll Basic -cpinternal iso8859-1 -cpstream iso8859-1 options in my How can...
  5. S

    Problem printing boxes

    Hello All ! I have some problems to print boxes on my HP-8100... I wanted to put boxes on a document, but there's no chars between 127 and 159. only "_"'s... I use -lng "French" -cpcase French -cpcoll Basic -cpinternal iso8859-1 -cpstream iso8859-1 options in my How...