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  1. G

    Word-index Not

    Is it possible to NOT a CONTAINS clause on a WORD-INDEX? e.g. where field contains 'cat' but NOT 'dog' Thanks
  2. G

    Question Index Choice Question

    Hypothetical: Table X has 4 char fields A,B,C and D. I need to index on A + B + C and A + B + D. What are the appropriate indexes to create for the table: Choice 1: Index 1 A + B Index 2 C Index 3 D Choice 2: Index 1 A + B + C Index 2 A + B + D I'm thinking Choice 1 as Progress will...
  3. G

    Question Limitation Of V9 Vst When Calculating Buffer Hit Ratio

    Hi, Promon's buffer hit ratio field can be calculated using the _actbuffer VST table as follows: (_buffer-logicrds - _buffer-osrds) / _buffer-logicrds * 100 The fields are integers therefore limited to approx 2,147,000,000 at which point they start counting back down. This continues up and...
  4. G


    running 'tabanalys' on a db shows the following: 779269 empty block(s) found in the database. 1030524 total blocks found in the database. Progress says that a 'idxbuild' may need to create a .srt file around 75% of the 'database size' when rebuilding all indexes. I need to be certain how big...
  5. G

    web and db server location

    Which of these is setup is 'best'? 1) Having the webspeeb agents, the web server and the db server all on the same box. 2) Splitting these over more than one box. For example, having the web server on its own box and the agents and db server on another. I've seen both of these examples...
  6. G

    retaining context

    If: page 1 has values A,B,C page 2 has values C,D,E page 3 has values E,F,G 1, 2 and 3 can call page 4 which will return back to the calling page. At present I would hard-code into page 4 HIDDEN fields for A,B,C,D,E,F and G as these are all potential entries that could be passed into 4 and...
  7. G

    apache + windows + 9.1D

    Should Apache 2.0.45 work with Progress 9.1D on Windows? I get a 'Not Found' page returned when I try 'http://localhost/htdocs/cgiip.exe/WService=wsbroker1/webutil/ping.r'. Apache is definitely running OK and the Agents are running OK.
  8. G

    TERM settings

    Hi, I'm using PuTTY terminal emulator under Windows to connect to Progress on a Linux box. PuTTY allows you to dynamically resize your screen and this reflects realtime in the rows and columns available in your session. If I run the progress editor (i.e. pro) with TERM set to 'xterm' the...
  9. G

    autostart param in

    what does the 'autoStart' param in do? i.e. what event causes the databases to 'autostart' - it doesn't seem to be on the start of the AdminServer.
  10. G

    Linux shutdown and Progress apps

    When I shut my Linux box down (i.e. shutdown now -h) should I be using a script to stop any Progress Servers first (e.g. DB, AdminServer, AppServer etc) or will these receive the KILL signal from the OS and shutdown cleanly anyway?
  11. G

    DB on FAT32 partition

    Will a Progress DB on a FAT32 partition be useable by Progress servers running under Linux and Windows NT?
  12. G

    simple netsetup question

    A company has a shared network installation of Progress. There are 2 sets of users: those that develop the systems and those that use the systems. the devlopers have to have netsetup run because it installs key icons, dlls etc required by AppBuilder. But, is it actually necessary to do...
  13. G

    load heavily hit tables into temp-tables

    A WebSpeed system I'm working on at the moment has agents that load certain tables that are hit heavily and constantly into temp-tables when they start up. I can see certain benefits in this to an extent, but is there a point where the benefits become neglegable? After all a large temp-table...
  14. G

    using progress on different LINUX distros

    I believe that Progress only officially certify their products under Linux for the RedHat distribution. Has anyone used Progress on other distros (e.g. Mandrake) and if so did they experience any problems? This is with particular reference to WebSpeed Transaction server (with Apache)...
  15. G

    Shared memory PL

    Hi, Consider the following: A Unix box runs 20 WebSpeed Agents and the PROPATH points to a single .PL that contains all application R-code. If the PL is a STANDARD type then each Agent will have its own execution buffer handling its own instance of the PL file (i.e. effectively 20...