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  1. V

    OpenEdge 10.2B and ODBC Linux connection?

    Next Step :) It have some mistake in odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini. Most important thing, in PHP the driver can't see the enviroment variables. So i just put in to top of my php test file. putenv("DLC=/usr/dlc102b"); putenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/dlc102b/odbc/lib:/usr/dlc102b/lib")...
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    OpenEdge 10.2B and ODBC Linux connection?

    OK Next step :) I don't know why, but it just make a link ("ln") to /usr/lib diretory from two so file and So the ODBC connection is works... But i've got another message (Not a realy error, it most like warning :) ), but it still not works. Warning: odbc_exec()...
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    OpenEdge 10.2B and ODBC Linux connection?

    Hi. I just try to make ODBC connection from Linux client (Ubuntu 6.06, i know Redhat and Suse supported but Ubuntu is not.) Server is Suse Linux with OE 10.2B (it can be Windows too), Client is Ubuntu 6.06 with Apache and PHP. Same configuration is worked if Database server Progress9.1E. Now...
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    Cache problem?

    Hi! I have intresting problem... So, there is a bowser (dinamic browser, and dinamic query) If i change something I'll see new data correctly. But another user who have opened the browse before i changed the data, and refresh the list, the data won't update. There is a include file which make...
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    database disconnection problems

    Hi. I don't know connectdbsforfile.p source. Try this: FOR EACH ..... CONNECT VALUE(ConnectParam) NO-ERROR. IF NOT CONNECTED(DbName) THEN DO: MESSAGE "Connection Error" VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX ERROR. NEXT. END. ELSE RUN compilefile.p (input ...)...
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    ODBC error HELP please

    Hi. Try Progress Support. Another ODBC topic:
  7. V

    Why am I getting 'No Data' in v 9.1e ODBC

    Something is wrong. D: P78517 Title: "ODBC Test connect gives 'No Data' error." Created: 04/29/2004 Last Modified: 04/29/2004 Status: Unverified WME('Symptoms: '); Symptoms: ODBC Test connect gives 'No Data'...
  8. V

    Cleaning B1 file ?

    What? Undone? :blue: I have never been lose any transations, except the program is ****.
  9. V

    Cleaning B1 file ?

    I don't understand this problem because the Progress manage te Before Image file, and this is not a problem to the Progress. But you can't delete it, just tuncate it :) Example: proutil dbname -C truncate bi Are you sure the problem is a b1 file? Not a d1? A "D" file have a 2Gb limit also :)
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    where to get progress drivers

    Try this. I think ODBC driver is available in every Progress package. Witch licenses you have? Because you have some Client Networking licenses, you can use the simple ODBC driver.
  11. V

    ODBC Connection

    I'm Happy. :) It's working, now just in a test system. I found some problems. First the ProControl didn't found the pf file. I don't know why, because another database is working and the path is same. Second problem is some parameters. (-yy,-t,-T) These values is same like in first broker, but...
  12. V

    ODBC Connection

    Mi and Ma parameters doesn't important. (Max uses/server - Min Users/server) Sorry but the First Broker doesen't start 2 server, just one and this is 4GL and SQL too. So i have max 7 servers (Mn), First Broker max 4 (Mpb) and this is 4GL and SQL, Secondary broker max 2 (Mpb) and this is just...
  13. V

    ODBC Connection

    Hihi. OK Good idea :) I will try it on Monday. THX.
  14. V

    ODBC Connection

    :awink: I know how work services, and yes wessql_t_q and weseb2_t_q is exist on service file :) You can see our database parameters in first page of this topic. I think that is ok, but still dosen't work the odbc connection :( I know the progress explorer is easier, but this is not my...
  15. V

    Exportfrom Progress to MySQL (via access)

    Try to use Data Administration. Menu : PRO/SLQ -> Dump as CREATE TABLE Statement...
  16. V

    ODBC Connection

    Windows Server 2003 + SP1 Progress Version 9.1E01 DadaDiret I know the parameters, but now i use ProControl :) THX. This is the First Broker and use 15304 port number -L 150000 -c 350 -B 2000 -cpinternal 1250 -cpstream 1250 -cpcoll Hungarian -cpcase Basic -d ymd -numsep 44 -numdec...
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    ODBC Connection

    THX. It looks good. But i have a problem with this :) I made a simple empty database in my local pc, and this is work. (ODBC connection and secondray broker too) After i tried this with test database, when i connected to secondray broker i gave an error message : [DataDirect][ODBC PROGRESS...
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    ODBC Connection

    I have another ODBC problem. So i use Progress 9.1E01, and Simple ODBC driver (DATA DIRECT 4.10). When i try connect to online database trough ODBC i give an error message. [DataDirect][ODBC PROGRESS Driver][PROGRESS]Exceeding permissible number of connections I don't undarstand this, because...
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    CASE syntax

    The first is better and faster. :)
  20. V

    Decode and Encode al long text

    Sorry, but you can't decode the (standard Progress) encoded string. From Help: "The ENCODE function performs a one–way encoding operation that you cannot reverse. ... etc" (ENCODE function) I don't know another way. Regards