Search results

  1. N

    -yr4def performance benefit?

    Thanks Tom, Looks as though the hunt for elusive microseconds goes on. :lol: Peer reviewers are always around, it would appear! :blush:
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    -yr4def performance benefit?

    I'm currently working on a program that dumps the contents of a database table into a delimited file for an external system which requires all dates to have a 4-digit year... for each tablename: put stream sExtract unformatted tablename.integerfield "|"...
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    Getting the Query for a ProDataSet

    One severe headache later... /* Receive the handle of the ProDataSet as an input parameter */ DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER ihPDS AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. /* Define a temp-table to hold all the relations involved in the table */ DEFINE TEMP-TABLE ttRelation NO-UNDO FIELD Sequence AS INTEGER...
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    Getting the Query for a ProDataSet

    What I'm looking for is a procedure that can take the handle of a ProDataSet and produce a Query Clause that would walk through the ProDataSet. For example DEFINE DATASET dsSports2000 FOR ttCustomer, ttOrder, ttOrderLine DATA-RELATION dr1 FOR ttCustomer, ttOrder NESTED...
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    Connecting 32bit client to 64bit database

    Hi Tom, It would appear that our dbanalys report was somewhat misleading. We have moved the tables accessed by our customer to a different area and this seems to have "fixed" the problem. I suspect our next step will be to create two or three bespoke areas for these tables alone and start...
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    Connecting 32bit client to 64bit database

    Thanks for the quick reply, Tom. The customer is already connecting through an appserver to access the data through their own procedure library. Our data is fairly well spread over storage areas and a quick examination on the most recent dbanalys report suggests we aren't anywhere near the 2...
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    Connecting 32bit client to 64bit database

    We are experiencing a problem whereby, having upgraded our system to 10.1B on a 64 bit machine, a customer operating 10.0B on a 32 bit machine is unable to communicate through the appserver. The message received is ** Disconnected by the server, code 44. (706) Can anyone provide a mechanism...
  8. N

    Problem with prostrct create

    What blocksize are you specifying on the prostrct create command? I had this problem recreating an existing database because I forgot to append the "-blocksize 8192" on the prostrct create command. Hope this helps
  9. N

    display date

    Table - MyTable Fields - DateRaised (DATE), DateSeq(CHAR), ... Index - DateRaised (ASCENDING) Sequence - MyTableSeq IF NOT CAN-FIND(FIRST MyTable WHERE DateRaised EQ TODAY) THEN ASSIGN CURRENT-VALUE(MyTableSeq) = 0. CREATE MyTable. ASSIGN MyTable.DateRaised = TODAY...
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    How to auto-size browser when changing font

    Tony, Try this for the rows where ip-hBrowse is the browser handle ASSIGN ip-hBrowse:ROW-HEIGHT-CHARS = FONT-TABLE:GET-TEXT-HEIGHT-CHARS(ip-hBrowse:FONT). The easiest solution for the columns is to make them resizable and let the user do the hard work.:rolleyes:
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    Interesting problem with trigger

    We are experiencing an unusual problem with a trigger. Version 9.1C on UNIX box. Occasionally, when updating our database, the update fails and multiple copies of the following message appear in the appbroker log file: 11:28:44 10 Jun 2005 Application Server 16936 Procedure...
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    System Not Reflecting Changed/Modified Data

    Progress insists that it does not affect performance. From Progress Knowledgebase P43776: The -rereadnolock parameter does not affect the performance. It comes into the picture only after both (old and new) record's copies are in client's memory by indicating what copy should be used and what...
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    System Not Reflecting Changed/Modified Data

    Are you using the -rereadnolock parameter? If not, that might fix your problem. SEE BELOW This startup parameter changes the behavior of NO-LOCK record retrieval. When a PROGRESS client (4gl, AppServer, web-agent) makes a request to find a record with NO-LOCK, it will not always get the...
  14. N

    trigger location

    It looks to me as though the triggers locations must be stored on the database schema with the "C:\" hard coded. If this is the case, you should change the database schema so that the triggers are identified by a relative path. If the trigger directory is in your PROPATH or you have identified...
  15. N

    Validating (User ID and Password)

    If you are using the Progress database security _User table, then the check for a password match is IF ENCODE(cEnteredPassword) EQ _User._Password THEN DO: /* success */ END. Alternatively, without locating the _User record, you could use ASSIGN lSuccess =...
  16. N

    Where can I find the meaning of following code

    There is a file called promsgs in the DLC directory which contains all the details in an unformatted way. You could always play around with procedure GetMessageDescription in prohelp/msgs.i (DLC/src/ to create your own program.
  17. N

    How to empty a database

    Kevin, I suspect that by "menu structure" you mean database schema. If so, your easiest solution is to have an empty database with the correct schema on standby. You could then easily delete the database with the information on it and recreate it from your empty version. prodel database /*...
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    3D Colors

    Gabor, I think this might do what you're wanting. It might require tweaking to get the right key. We use it to set the background to the user's Windows background colour. Put it in a procedure and call when you open your window. DEF VAR cKeyName AS CHAR NO-UNDO. DEF VAR cBackground AS CHAR...
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    how to change "matches" instead of "begins" in {lookup.i}

    Judy, The simplest way to find out where you are referencing lookup.i is to run the following command:- MESSAGE SEARCH("lookup.i") VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX.
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    Popup Calendar

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