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  1. D

    Browser: Select Row that isn't in the first viewport

    Hey Guys, at first sorry for my bad english. I have a browser filled with records from a SDO and I want to select some rows. There is no problem if these rows are in the first viewport (12 rows in this case). But if I want to select a row out of the first viewport, for example row 25, I get...
  2. D

    Display all buffer-fields and -values

    Hey guys, is there a function / procedure in ABL like var_dump in PHP to display easy all buffer-fields and -values. Example: DEFINE VARIABLE vWHTable AS WIDGET-HANDLE NO-UNDO. CREATE BUFFER vWHTable FOR TABLE "customer". vWHTable:FIND-FIRST(). DISPLAY vWHTable DELETE WIDGET vWHTable...
  3. D

    Find out index flags

    Hello At first, sorry for my bad english. I hope you understand what I mean. Is it possible to find out the index flags (e.g. unique, primary unique, nothing)? For "unique" ich take the database._index._unique field (_index is a system table). Example: FOR EACH databasename._file WHERE...