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  1. S

    sum(col2 - col3) as newnumber don't work

    I'm working with a Datadirect 4.10 sql92 v9.1E ODBC driver from my sql environement I am unable to perform the following : 'SELECT PIECE, DESC1, SUM(QTE_REQ - QTE_EXP ) AS nbrBO FROM PUB.VTCOMLIG WHERE CD_CIE = 1 AND CD_SUCC = 'RIV' AND (COMM_CL LIKE ''F%'') AND (QTE_REQ > QTE_EXP) AND...
  2. S

    importing progress db into MS SQL 2005

    Hi In the past, I was using ms sql 2000, and was able to import progress database with the merant ODBC drivers. Since I am now on sql 2005, and a new version of progress ( 9.1E) I still need to import database into my ms sql server... but there is no more way to import database using ODBC...