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  1. S

    set a progress program to run daily

    sorry worked it out now in case anyone is interested I did the following at command line. C:\Program Files\PROGRESS\bin>_progres -db ih -p "path_of_file\filename.p" -b -H servername -S Live_Ih
  2. S

    set a progress program to run daily

    hello, I am trying to get a progress program to run each day as a scheduled task. I've been reading about the use of mbpro but not had much joy. Is there a good way in progress to set a program to run daily? Thanks Stuart
  3. S

    replace command

    thanks for that I shall give it a go. Stuart
  4. S

    replace command

    Hello, I am doing a replace on a field so I can strip out various CHR such as carriage returns which I do not need. Using the following code at present: STRING(REPLACE(REPLACE(ACCESS-INFO,CHR(13),"[CR]"),CHR(10),"[LF]")) Does anybody know a better way of running multiple replaces on a string...
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    Help with extracting field names from a table

    thanks, just trying to get to grips with the progress coding... :)
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    Help with extracting field names from a table

    run into a bit of a problem I put this code in so I can just extract the header files. Run into a problem with a few multi separated fields ie. bath-rooms[1] bath-rooms[2] bath-rooms[3] bath-rooms[4] bath-rooms[5] only gets extracted as bath-rooms Hope that makes sense. Here is the...
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    Help with extracting field names from a table

    thanks Thanks bulklodd, that was just what I needed. Worked a treat, will save me lots of time. Much appreciated.... Stuart
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    Help with extracting field names from a table

    Hello, Was wondering if anybody could help. Bit new at progress code. I have written code to export data out of progress into a txt file. Which works fine. I am now trying to find a way of exporting Field Names from a table. The code below I have used to export the data. What I would like...