Question Short URL on linux


19+ years progress programming and still learning.
In your Apache Conf file for your virtual server you can use a "ScriptAlias".

#Change the path to your DLC install directory
SetEnv DLC "/usr/dlc113"
SetEnv PROMSGS "/usr/dlc113/promsgs"

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/  "$DLC/bin/"

Alias /webspeed113/ "$DLC/webspeed/"

Sorry for being a bit of a week response.


New Member
Thanks Cecil !!

In fact my problem was a basic mistake of me. =/

Actually, this is a very simple action:

1.- Make a copy (SAVE AS) of wspd_cgi.bin file, remane it with out extension (.bin)
2.- configure Option 2 "cgiip –i <WS_service>” in this new file (Make sure your PROMSGS and WRKDIR path are correct.
3.- save file.
4.- restart services.

AND thats ALL !!!



Have you considered using the mod_rewrite module in Apache instead? Your script can remain and your url can be whatever you want. You'll be able to lose the cgi-bin and WService entirely.