Recent content by ProgressDevelop

  1. P

    XSD format for use in Sonic parameter type and wsdl definitions

    Hi, Although this I am having a problem with a Sonic process I think it may be related to the contents / definition of the of the .xsd file below. When I use “Import Schema” via right-click on “Types” on the WSDL overview screen it does not import the file correctly. I only get a blank...
  2. P

    Final ‘/’ of ProcPath in an .esboe missing?

    Hi, Just replying to my own thread in case anyone exeriences this problem too. It is a 'feature'. Fixed in patch 10.2A03. Cheers Keith
  3. P

    Final ‘/’ of ProcPath in an .esboe missing?

    Hi All, When an .esboe is generated from within Sonic Workbench we are not getting the final slash written to the procedure path element which causes us problems if the procedure is not in the root directory of the project. E.g. Procedure ‘getCustomer.p’ in sub-directory ‘code’ of project...
  4. P

    Suggestive search? aka "Do you mean.... ‘chips’?”

    Thanks for all your replies. I’ll investigate using an api as it might be a good option considering the project involves web services and I don’t want to go down the custom dictionary route or try to re-invent the wheel either. At the moment it is probably a ‘nice to have’ and I don’t know...
  5. P

    Suggestive search? aka "Do you mean.... ‘chips’?”

    Hi, We have a business requirement to offer suggested alternatives if a search is initially unsuccessful. E.g. if a customer inputs a typo of ‘chaps’ in a search field we need to first search for ‘chaps’ in a description field. If this is unsuccessful we then need to re-search for...
  6. P

    Development in South Australia

    According to the SA immigration website there is a shortage of Progress AP's in SA / Adelaide. Can anyone shed some light on this as I have not been able to justify their claim? (I'm only aware of 3 sites and 2 are in the...