Recent content by polar_action

  1. P

    call progress 4GL from

    attachement doesn't exist here anymore :o( Can anyone shed light on what my connection to the Appserver looks like in C#. I can access the .dll but am unsure what parameters I should be using for the Appserver connection. Many thanks, Dave
  2. P

    Web Service Adapter / wsa / deploy problem

    thanks for the reply RealHeavyDude. For my testing I managed to remove the <security constraint> section and that now works, but I'll need to look into the security issues in detail. Regards, Dave
  3. P

    Web Service Adapter / wsa / deploy problem

    Hi Progress Talkers, I recently managed to follow through John Sadd's excellent video tutorials on PSDN for Rich Internet Applications. One thing that threw me off track however was a problem in OE Explorer where my Web Service Adapter (wsa) was not started and therefore I couldn't deploy...
  4. P

    Error with OpenEdge Architect

    It's an obvious question but did you try reinstalling it ensuring you use the OE Architect License?
  5. P

    SMTPMAIL 501 Syntactically invalid EHLO argument(s)

    Thanks to vgabriel, I would never have found that out easily. Many thanks Dave
  6. P

    How to build a temp table which reflects any Spreadsheet

    Hi Progress Talkers, I'm dealing with a heap of spreadsheets (just flat files using CSVs). All have differing headings, number of columns and rows. What I'm looking to do is import the header line (which contains the column's header name) and use by creating and adding them as fields to a...
  7. P

    SQL Adjust Field width

    Just as a thought. I've used dbtool and the procedure supplied in the thread previoulsy and encountered a problem when dealing with database array fields. Fair enough, we shouldn't use them but we have to deal with legacy systems so I changed the code a little bit to deal with them. Find it...
  8. P

    Read Receipts, Delivery Receipts, and Send on Behalf of

    Thanks for that post. It's come in handy. :D
  9. P

    decompiler? doh!

    Hi talkers, Is there a decompiler out there for v9. I'm 300 miles away from source code and machine has crashed with no-one to re-set it. doh! Cheers, Dave