Recent content by neil

  1. N

    ps:escript timeouts - help required, are you there Matt?

    Hi All, I'm hoping that Mr Matt V, previously of PSC(UK) can answer this:- I'm having a problem with a cgi timeout when running a complex query. Basically my .p runs a procedure in my service which populates a temp-table, dumps the temp-table contents to a file in a directory on the database...
  2. N

    ADO recordset problem

    Hi Nehe / Seraphina, Can you post the connection string you are using to attempt the connection to the Progress database? It may help shed some light on your problem. I would also like to point out that Progress has been the worst behaved database that I've ever tried to interface to...
  3. N

    ADO recordset problem

    I can't see the sample ASP script that you posted. Can you repost it please? Also, have you established that you can connect to your Progress DB using ODBC? Regards
  4. N

    ADO recordset problem

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay - here's how I set the connection object up ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim oConn As ADODB.Connection Dim sConnectString As String Set oConn = New ADODB.Connection...
  5. N

    ADO recordset problem

    Sample VB Code Here's some sample VB code to establish an ADO connection to Progress. I've had to set up a DSN because I couldn't get a DSNless connection to work. Dim ADOConnection as ADODB.Connection Dim sConnect as String sConnect="" & _ "Provider=MSDASQL;" & _...
  6. N

    ADO recordset problem

    Help! Firstly, I'm a complete Progress novice so please excuse my igonrance - my background is mainly MS Sql Server and Oracle with Visual Basic frontends! Well, here goes - I'm connecting to our Progress v9 database using Visual Basic 6.0 via an ADO connection that uses the Microsoft OLE...