Recent content by nai

  1. N

    Carriage return in a blob-field

    CLOB Vs BLOB... Another suggestion... You are using Binary data instead of Character data... More explicitly : BLOB instead of CLOB Try to modify your database schema...
  2. N

    Carriage return in a blob-field

    SQL Carriage Return in a Host language In SQL, the carriage return is coded by chr(13), and the concatenation operator by || ... But in your case, SQL is used as an "embedded language", in the "Host language", you have to build a string which looks like : control = " 'test' || chr(10) ||...
  3. N

    Carriage return in a blob-field

    Try using \x0D\x0A
  4. N

    Using Shell32.dll in CreateProcessA

    Execute a program and wait until it is finished… You can not use CreateProcess to create modal windows, but you can use the process handle it returned to know if the process you created is still running by passing this process handle as an input parameter for this procedure: PROCEDURE...
  5. N

    How to use Flash FSCommand to quit a 4gl application ?

    I'm writing a Window-based Progress application. I have inserted an Activex Control : Macromedia Shockwave Flash Object and loaded the .swf movie... My question is : How can I quit the 4gl application when the user clicks on a flash button ? i've tried to use FScommand("QUIT") in the .swf...