Recent content by mc_pop

  1. M

    Error when executing sql update statement in OE Architect

    Unfortunately it doesn't work. Anyway thanks.
  2. M

    Error when executing sql update statement in OE Architect

    Hello Everybody. I have problem with sql update statemets. When i run statement like below: Update pub.Table set Table.Field1 = 'aaaa' where Table.field2 = 'bbbb' I receive error like this: [DataDirect][OpenEdge JDBC Driver][OpenEdge] Syntax error in SQL statement at or about...
  3. M

    Whare is SQL Explorer under OE 10.1B

    thank You.
  4. M

    Whare is SQL Explorer under OE 10.1B

    Hello Everybody. I would like to connect to Progress database under 10.1B version with SQL Explorer. I can't find it in start menu. I have used shortcut from OE 10.0B and I've changed paths in it appropriately to point files in OE 10.1B. Then SQL Explorer starts but it can't connect to...
  5. M

    How to speed up debugger?

    Thanks for ansver. I am using progress 9.1e and 10.0B. I hope that the parameter works also for this versions. Regards, mc_pop
  6. M

    How to speed up debugger?

    I have problem because my debugger works very slowly last time. I have to wait few minutes to see any code in debugger. I the past i read that debugger has some file that should be deleted and then debugger works faster using less RAM memory etc. Does anybody know what file is it?? I cant find...
  7. M

    Installing Architect

    Hello I'm trying to move to OE Architect but i have problem with installing it. Can you tell me please how can I do it? Is it to buy or to free download? I've read for example that i should copy '%DLC%/oeide/eclipse/plugins to corresponding eclipse directory. Problem is i don't have...
  8. M

    UML usage

    Hi. Does anybody use some graphical tool (Like UML) to design applications or to do reverse engineering?? What tool is it??? What tool is good to work with Progress?? And why? Thx, by
  9. M


    Thanks for your reply. I used eclipse to do Java programs. I am looking for some nice and user friendly source code editor. So far i used ConText and ED4W. Could you tell me what sould I do to use Eclipse with Progress? Or where can i find some clear information about it? Can I use it with OE...
  10. M


    Hello everybody. I am new forum’s member. I work with Progress for 6 months. I work in small office of big company that is placed In other country. My task is difficult because I an the only software developer I our branch. I have nobody to answer my questions at the time. I...