Recent content by Marco Mendoza

  1. Marco Mendoza

    Get month name when input month number

    I like more the array approach ... DEF VAR meses AS CHAR EXTENT 12 INIT ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"] NO-UNDO. DISPLAY meses[1]
  2. Marco Mendoza

    QAD Product structure maintenance : date ranges may not overlap

    You need to review carefully the product structure, a structure must already exist, probably with an end date open (blank).
  3. Marco Mendoza

    Question Can we remove the space allocated for a table field in a frame when the field values is empty in CHUI?

    define frame a cs-id cs-name cs-name cs-status cs-ind1 cs-ind2 cs-ind3 /*NO NEED THIS cs-cmnt */ with down width 72. for each customer : display cs-id cs-name cs-status cs-ind1 cs-ind2 cs-ind3 with frame a . if trim(cs-cmnt) <> "" then DO: DOWN WITH FRAME a. /* down */ display cs-cmnt...
  4. Marco Mendoza

    Question Ampersand befor open

    Browses generated on QAD use it pre-processors
  5. Marco Mendoza

    Concatenating Different Records

    With "infinite loop" I mean this, what happen with this case? Record 1: - Order-Number is: 123456 - Previous-Order-Number is: 999999 Record 2: - Order-Number is 999999 - Previous-Order-Number is 111111 Record 3: - Order-Number is: 111111 - Previous-Order-Number is: 123456 Is clear logically...
  6. Marco Mendoza

    Concatenating Different Records

    Of course, you must take care for infinite loop ....
  7. Marco Mendoza

    Concatenating Different Records

    /* not tested, something like this ... */ ordernbr = "123456". find Order no-lock where Order-Number = ordernbr no-error. do while available Order: /*** code your concatenate stuff here ***/ ordernbr = Previous-Order-Number. find Order no-lock where Order-Number = ordernbr no-error. end.
  8. Marco Mendoza

    Question How to check similarity between strings?

    Can't find on my current environment, but I remember a program called "soundex.p" or somethig like that; Soundex - Wikipedia
  9. Marco Mendoza

    Buffer with no-lock

    And, It does not matter if you have a conditional in the "DO FOR", IF FALSE THEN DO FOR pt_mstr: FIND FIRST pt_mstr NO-LOCK. END. DISPLAY AVAILABLE(pt_mstr). /* This show error: ** Reference to table <table> conflicts with block statement reference. (244) */
  10. Marco Mendoza

    Question Bankers Rounding - .NET vs. ABL

    Progress Documentation
  11. Marco Mendoza

    QAD browse that shows Primary Lines as set in

    You need to convert the code to a Function. On Browse Maintenance open ic007. Or search for other examples; there are a lot of browses with defined Functions.
  12. Marco Mendoza

    QAD browse that shows Primary Lines as set in

    If you don't have clear how to add functions code, take a look at 3.6.11 icbr007 That browse use it.
  13. Marco Mendoza

    QAD browse that shows Primary Lines as set in

    Define a function on "Local vars" section. And add a Calculated Field (local-var00) and call the Function created on Local vars.
  14. Marco Mendoza

    QAD browse that shows Primary Lines as set in

    This is the code for Primary Line value: v-primary = no. for first lna_det fields( lna_domain lna_allocation lna_line lna_part lna_site) where lna_det.lna_domain = global_domain and lna_site = lnd_site...
  15. Marco Mendoza

    Cimload " inch in 1.4.1 item number or description field

    Test this: display quoter('hello"hello') format "X(20)" The 2 quotes should work, if not is other the issue. On your example you must skip after the part number. @@batchload ppptmt.p "3012.02 6.50"" MIN" "ST" "This item has inch quotes and will not load" "please help" - - . @@end