Recent content by jonb

  1. J

    Connectivity to Web Services issue

    It would be helpful if you isolate the code into a runnable sample. I just tried this: DEFINE VARIABLE hServer AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DO ON ERROR UNDO, LEAVE: CREATE SERVER hServer. hServer:CONNECT("-H -P 80 -WSDL"). END...
  2. J


    Your idea does work, depending on the requirements. I've done something similar to run external programs that have a small number of possible signatures, where each signature determines the version of the api. For instance version 1 had 2 parameters, version 2 added a 3rd parameter. So once you...
  3. J

    mail from desktop application

    Just to clarify... you do need an smtp server, but you don't necessarily need to install one just for your application. If your isp (or your customer's) already provides one, smtpmail.p can use it. You can also use a 3rd party smtp server. For instance, google provides one that lets you send...
  4. J

    Version Control System

    I use Roundtable for ABL code and Mercurial for Java code. Personally I like Mercurial better because it's decentralized. I have my own repository and I can check in files as often as I want, but the changes are still invisible to other developers until I'm really done. Roundtable seems like a...
  5. J

    Yahoo! PlaceFinder

    First step is the HTTP GET and you have a few options. You could launch an external program like curl or wget with the correct URL. You would have to distribute the program with your application. You could use the Progress Standard Libraries which includes an http client (I've never used...
  6. J

    temp-table performance

    Have you verified that it's the tt creation that's slowing it down? You could check that by moving the create statement to above the loop, so that on each iteration it's working on the same tt entry. Also, how much is performance degrading? Can you post some numbers of the 500 vs. 3000 runs?